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入了走過風風雨雨的環亞購物廣場, 是為了尋找名筆收藏家們口中的寶地 -「P&P名筆雅集」。循著手扶梯上至五樓, 琳瑯滿目的專櫃與商品令人眼花撩亂。一轉身, 即瞧見萬寶龍Montblanc 黑白分明的商標 , 目的地「P & P名筆雅集」怡然自得地座落在此,予人一股結廬在人境而無車馬喧之感。環顧店面的外圍,發現有兩扇門,原來,寬廣的空間是由兩間店面合而為一,整面透明的玻璃窗增添了宏偉寬大之感,展現磅礡的氣勢。


Though the bustling streets are my home
I hear not people’s chatter or wagons’ clatter.
My secret?
When the heart is far way, the body follows.
Picking a flower from the eastern fence,
I see the South Mountain in the distance.
It’s magnificent at sunrise and sunset,
With the coming and going of the flocks.
There is a truth that awaits discovery here,
But try as I may it slips away from closer examination.
- “Fifth Poem on Drinking Wine” by Tao, Yuan-min   (Tang Dynasties 376-427  a well-known poet)

A lot has happened in the history of Asiaworld Shopping Mall. My visit here today was to search for the promised land for vintage pen collectors – “P&P”. Taking the escalators up to the fifth floor, I was dazzled by all of the different specialty counters and merchandise on offer. The distinctive black and white logo of Montblanc suddenly caught my eye and there in front of me was my destination, “P&P”, looking for all the world as if it had always belonged here. Its presence was like an oasis of peace at the heart of the city, away from the hustle and bustle of the streets. Looking over the shop front, I noticed that it actually had two doors. The shop was in fact two shop fronts merged into one, and the transparent display window all along one wall gave it an impression of great depth and dignity.