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 璃櫃中一本本工商日誌 及萬用手冊顯得十分搶眼,原來,顏保全就是赫赫有名的萬用手冊教父,他把萬用手冊推廣至兩岸三地的華人世界,並使該商品在台灣盛行至今,店內也代理全球最早的萬用手冊品牌FILOFAX,以及台灣第一品牌Keny。此外,玻璃櫃中也陳列著不同材質的企業禮品,才知道顏保全的另一個頭銜:企業禮品顧問。設計企業禮品附加人文知識是顏保全獨特的風格,從禮品中,可發現唐詩、宋詞、論語的隱喻俯拾皆是,令人玩味。

顧問式的行銷手法,是P&P與眾不同的最大特色。知識傳承好過削價競爭,是P&P 貨真價實的宗旨,也是P&P 的藍海策略。業餘收藏家若「欲窮千里目,更上一層樓」,使功力精進成為職業買家,顏老闆亦開班授徒,提供專業課程,初級班一小時 US$100 ,
中級班US$200,高級班US$300,至於如何判斷級別,則視動機與內容而定。當然,若您在消費之餘,期望了解更多商品資訊,顏老闆會毫不吝嗇地免費傳授如何使用萬用手冊、如何收藏古今名筆等專業知識 。 販售知識,成為顏老闆在名筆市場中的一項創舉,而他也曾以HK$220000高價售出一枝原子筆,創下全世界最高價原子筆的銷售紀錄。


Among the glass display cabinets, the journals and personal organizers stood out quite prominently. Frank Ngan was in fact the renowned Father of the Personal Organizer. The first person to introduce the personal organizer to Taiwan, China and Hong Kong, his support continued to ensure its popularity in Taiwan even today. The store was also a dealer for the world’s first personal organizer maker – FILOFAX as well as Taiwan’s top brand – Keny. A variety of corporate gifts were also displayed, revealing Frank Ngan  other job title – Corporate Gifts Consultant. Frank Ngan  designs unique corporate gifts with a scholarly flavor and for the discerning his gift products offer allegories to Tang and Sung Dynasty poetry as well as Analects quotes.

Frank Ngan  approach to marketing was the most distinctive feature of P&P. To him, the passing on of knowledge was more important than competing on price. This embodied P&P’s emphasis on true quality and formed its Blue Ocean Strategy. For amateur collectors looking to “broaden their horizons and move to the next level” as professional buyers, Frank Ngan also offered specialist classes starting at US$100 an hour for beginners, US$200 for intermediates and US$300 for the expert-level. How students were graded depended on the motive and content. If you just wanted to know more about the products while browsing, Frank Ngan would show you free of charge how to use a pocket organizer or how to store vintage pens properly1. The marketing of knowledge was something that Frank Ngan pioneered in the vintage pens market. He once sold a ball-point pen for a staggering price of HK$220,000, setting the world record on the price paid for a pen.