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 間店從地毯 、 牆壁延伸到天花板,大量運用了黑、白、灰三種色彩,透露出店東簡潔俐落的個性,儘管沒有繁複花俏的裝飾,商品擺設及店內佈置卻處處湧現驚奇,讓人不由得讚嘆店東的巧思。近大門口的左邊立櫃,陳列了萬寶龍 Montblanc 當季
最新商品,讓人目眩神迷;左側旁的玻璃櫃中,展示著令筆迷朝思暮想的全套文學家系列、以及罕見的音樂家系列名筆,這些都是店東引以為傲的收藏品。P&P也會根據萬寶龍Montblanc每季的行銷主軸,展示女性珠寶及男士飾品,提供顧客更多樣的選擇。而右側旁的展示櫃,是名筆中的頂級品牌萬特佳 Montegrappa 商品的展示空間,精緻的設計讓筆身散發熠熠光采,是僅供鑑賞而不捨割愛的鎮店之寶。


The store’s carpet, walls and ceilings used large swathes of black, white and gray, reflecting the store owner’s preference for simplicity. Though there were no complicated or showy decorations, the product displays and the store’s layout held surprises of their own, amazing the visitor with the owner’s clever touches. A cabinet left of the entrance mesmerized passerby with the latest Montblanc collection while a glass display case to the left was the home of every pen lover’s holy grail – a complete sets of Montblanc’s Writers Edition and the very rare Musicians Edition. Both were the pride and joy of the store owner’s personal collection. P&P also displays a range of ladies’ jewelry and men’s accessories according to the marketing focus of Montblanc each season, offering customers with a greater range of options. The display case on the right was for the ultimate in premium pens – the Montegrappa. The exquisitely designed pens glimmer in the light and were not for sale – because the storeowner just couldn’t bear to part with them.