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  左側開啟的大門進入店內,一套呈元寶造型的桌椅展現在眼前,隱隱透出「招財進寶」的寓意。圓桌後方立了一扇小屏風,上面 「名筆雅集」 四個字, 是著名的錶筆收藏家--鍾泳麟大師的墨寶,珍貴且意義非凡。屏風上站立著一個喜姆(Hummel)瓷偶擺飾,上頭標寫著「0800-88-3333」 24小時客服專線,是店東精挑細選的號碼,方便與國內外消費者作雙向互動,以表達服務零時差的敬業精神。從屏風後方,傳來歡迎光臨聲,仔細一望,原來這裡是已在這家店服務多年的林宜蒖小姐的工作檯,林小姐從十五歲起便跟著店東顏保全拜師學藝,臉上總是洋溢著笑容,親切地招呼每一個來賓。


Entering the store from the open door on the left, a set of tael-themed table and chairs appear, symbolic of the Chinese saying “Welcoming business and profits”. Written on a screen behind them were the characters for “P&P”. These were the work of renowned timepiece and pen collector Chong, Yong-lin and of great value – both sentimentally and financially. A Hummel porcelain figure stood on top of the screen labeled with the number “0800-88-3333” for the store’s 24-hour service hotline. The storeowner had chosen this number after careful through to provide a channel for two-way communication with customers in Taiwan and from overseas, demonstrating his dedication to immediate service. As I entered, a warm “Welcome!” came from behind the screen. This proved to be from the workstation of Ms. Lin, Yi-cheng, a long-time employee. Ms. Lin had begun working as an apprentice to the storeowner Frank Ngan at the age of 15 and customers are always welcomed with a warm smile.