歌德曾說 :「 一個人無論往哪裡走,無論從事什麼事業,他終將回到本性指給的路上。」我出生在印尼,在 35 歲之前 , 繞著中港台生活及工作 , 心態上是 「 隨波逐流、隨遇而安」,但內心深處始終有個願望:若事業能與興趣結合,將時間奉獻於有深度的產業,乃是人生中的一大樂事啊!
年輕時的我在香港從事家電零售業,曾是某著名財團的專業經理人,然而產業競爭、企業併購、價格混亂等眾多因素,讓我停下腳步,重新思索人生的新方向。年紀稍長,透過尋根,獲知自己竟是復聖祖顏回第九十六代子孫,對論語中「一簞食,一瓢飲,在陋巷人不堪其憂,回也不改其樂」的人生哲學心生嚮往,自許為儒商,期望以 不卑不亢的態度 經營文化事業。 因此, 「P&P名筆雅集」 成立了。
在歐美尋訪名筆的旅途中,看到傳承三代的筆店, 心頭的感動 便油然而生, 特別是日本筆店業者的 敬業精神,更是讓我熱淚盈眶。我常心想老天爺賜給我如此的造化與際遇,身為自由石匠 (Free Mason) 的我,努力打
「 玩物喪志 或 玩物養志 常令人迷思?」人生必有捨有得,我捨棄了擴大企業版圖的雄心壯志,卻在販售鋼筆、尋覓鋼筆、珍藏鋼筆中,尋得了心靈上的慰藉。不覺中,竟然有志期待P&P有朝一日也能成為百年老店!
Goethe once said: “No matter where a man may go, no matter what trade he may choose to take up, in the end he will return to the path indicated by his nature.” I was born in Indonesia and before the age of 35 my life and work revolved around China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. My attitude was “Go with the flow” but deep in my heart I’ve always harbored a dream: If I could combine my career with my interests and devote my time to a meaningful occupation, that would be the most fulfilling move in my life!
In my youth I worked in Hong Kong’s retail home appliances industry and was a professional executive in a well-known financial group. The competition in the industry, corporate takeovers and price wars eventually made me stop and rethink the direction of my life. After searching for my roots, I discovered that I was in fact a 69th generation descendant of Confucius’ leading discipline, Yenhui. I found the philosophy and lifestyle of “Eat simply and drink simply. Though you may live in poverty, let your happiness remain unaffected” in the Analects to be a state of mind that I admired greatly. I decided to become a humble merchant scholar running a cultural enterprise and thus the “P&P Vintage Pens名筆雅集” was born.
There is far more to a love of fountain pens than appreciating their ability to leave an ink trail on the page. What I love most about the business is seeing customers step into the shop with different things on their mind but all leaving satisfied and happy.
In my travels through America and Europe in search of vintage pens, I was always moved when I came across pen stores that had been passed down through three generations. Japanese pen traders’ dedication to the craft in particular brought tears to my eyes. I often believe that it’s the will of the heavens that I was set on this path. As a Free Mason, my mission then was to build a cathedral dedicated to the nobility of writers’ spirit.
The fame of the thousand-year old sacred tree on Alishan was gradually built up through tourists’ word-of-mouth. In the same way, I believe that only by pursuing perfection and emphasizing professionalism can one live up to one’s reputation. “I can learn something from at least one of the next three people” is my motto and I hope that I can build a bridge with customers that I find of like mind. We can then become friends and share the ups and downs in our lives.
“Collecting material things leads to the path of failure?” Life is a balance between what you have and what you lose. I gave up the ambition of building a great business but found my calling in the sale, search and collection of fountain pens. My ambition today is that P&P will one day become a hundred year old store as well!