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 到我的造訪,林小姐如數家珍般地介紹起「 P&P 名筆雅集 」的點點滴滴。二○○五年四月之前,P & P 的店址本設在同棟商場的三樓,6.5 坪的展示空間精巧而具特色。一向關注時尚精品資訊的店東顏保全,偶然間翻閱了一本時尚雜誌,獲知LV等國際知名品牌皆在世界各大城市設置旗艦店,體認到精品產業文化大革命的來臨,傳統百花齊放的賣場形式,將走向精緻路線。顏保全思索著未來的經營方向,決定擴張營運,以專門店的型態經營萬寶龍Montblanc這個在名筆市場如日中天的品牌,賦予它更專業的形象。


My visit began with a recounting of the history at “P&P” from Ms. Lin. P&P had been located on the third floor of the building with a small and distinctive 21.5m2 showroom up until April 2005. The storeowner Frank Ngan always had a keen interest in boutique goods and while leafing through a fashion magazine one day noticed that international brands such as LV were setting up flagship stores in the major cities of the world. He realized then that the boutique products industry was about to undergo a cultural revolution where the department store format was going to be replaced by boutique shops. After thinking about the future direction for his business, he decided to expand his operations to become a specialist dealer for the renowned premium pen brand Montblanc.