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信步向前,來到了另一處寬闊的空間,悠揚的古典音樂迴盪其中,加上柔和暈黃的燈光,營造出悠然慵懶的氛圍,讓人的心情也跟著放鬆下來。這裡是處複合式場域,不僅是眾多品牌商品的展售空間,亦是顏老闆晴耕雨讀的書齋 , 更是鋼筆達人們舞文弄墨的好所在。為了讓顧客擁有賓至如歸的感受,店家歡迎來賓攜帶喜歡的 CD ,或是自行使用電腦查詢想要的最新資訊,店家會奉上一杯清香撲鼻的烏龍茶,與顧客一同品茗、賞筆。店家款客之道,可由奉茶細節中窺見,就連盛茶湯的瓷杯,都是 享譽國際 的歐洲名瓷 Meissen 或Wedgwood所製。店中的某個角落,擺放了與名筆相關的書籍雜誌,是深入名筆世界的重要資料庫,來賓可以挑選想查閱的刊物仔細瀏覽,或呼朋引伴,在六人座的會議桌上,共同探討筆的學問。

壁旁的玻璃櫥窗,羅列了古今中外稀奇古怪的世界名筆,彷彿像個小型的書寫用具典藏館 , 讓人嘆為觀止。 顏老闆說,要是走馬看花,五分鐘即可巡覽一回,若聆聽注目每件展品,五個小時也未必夠用。仔細觀察,每個玻璃櫃上,都顯示著 「P&P」 的標誌。P&P究竟是商標還是店號?答案:兩者皆是。事實上,P&P代表著商品組合「Pen & Pad名筆與手冊」,以及買賣雙方的個人特質「Profession& Perfection專業與完美」。


Continuing on, we arrived in another spacious room. The soft lighting here and classical music playing in the background created laid-back atmosphere so you could feel yourself relax almost immediately. This was a multi-purpose space used not only for displaying branded products but also served as the owner Frank Ngan  personal study. Fountain pen aficionados are also fond of coming here to practice their craft. To make customers feel more at home, they can bring their own favorite CDs or use the computer to look up the latest information. While they are here, the store will present them with a fragrant cup of Oolong tea so the storeowner and customer can enjoy the tea and look over the pens together. The store’s attention to service can be seen in how it presents the tea. Even the teacups are from Meissen or Wedgwood. A corner in the store is a collection of vintage pen books and magazines. They provide a portal into the world of collection pens and visitors can go through them carefully by themselves or come with friends to sit at the 6-seat conference table to discuss the intricacies of vintage pens.

The glass display cabinet next to the wall holds a display of strange and famous vintage pens from around the world. It was in effect a small museum of writing implements. According to Frank Ngan  the owner, just glancing through them will take about 5 minutes. Yet if you want to learn about each item on display, it will probably take more than five hours. Each display cabinet is also inscribed with the characters P&P. Was this the trademark or the logo? The answer? It was both! P&P in fact represented the product package “Pen & Pad” as well as the characteristics of both the buyer and seller – “Profession & Perfection”.