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著走道,兩旁圖文並茂的牆面令人不禁佇足側目,牆面設計呈左右兩翼三對的組合,最外側的兩扇櫥窗玻璃,分別是名筆榜及店東周遊列國尋覓名筆的照片,中間一層,則掛了一副竹製古黟楹聯,上面寫著「快樂每從辛苦得,便宜多自喫虧來。」特別的是,對聯中的「辛」字多了一點,「多」字少了一點卻落在「虧」字上面 , 代表著 「 多一份辛苦多一份快樂」、「有捨有得」的意涵。最內側的防火門 , 則張貼著 各大媒體的報導,讓訪者更了解 P & P 的特色。走


As I walked along the corridor, I couldn’t help but stop to admire the walls adorned with pictures and text. The design of the walls created two wings of three matching panels with the outermost part being two display windows. On display was a list of the top pens as well as photos from the store owner’s travels in search of vintage pens. The middle section was used for a set of antique bamboo couplets, inscribed with “Happiness comes from making the effort, Take  advantage of bing taken advantage. The character for “Effort” had an extra dot while “Usually” had a missing dot that turns up over “advantage”. This symbolized “Extra effort for more happiness” and “Be willing to give and so that to take”. The inner section’s fire doors are pasted with reports from the media, giving the visitor a better idea of P&P’s features. On the other side of the corridor three screens quite cleverly partitioned yet connected the separate product display areas. Set into the screens were visitors’ calligraphy cards and if you look closely you will find quite a few famous people among their ranks. There were hidden pearls of wisdom in all of the comments left on the card, some not only expressing support for the store but also dispensing sage advice on life. From this, we can see that the storeowner not only wanted his guests to leave a signature but also invited them to share their wisdom.